Jallikattu Restaurant
The menu of Indian cuisine is recommended to try at this restaurant. Make a change from your traditional meal and taste perfectly cooked fish curry, prawns and biryani at Jallikattu Restaurant. You can enjoy live music in the evening. The fish dishes and biryani will be a fantastic one.
Food & Beverages
Days Open Close
Monday 10 am 11 pm
Tuesday 10 am 11 pm
Wednesday 10 am 11 pm
Thursday 10 am 11 pm
Friday 10 am 11 pm
Saturday 10 am 11 pm
Sunday 10 am 11 pm
Jallikattu Restaurant
No:85, Villianur Main Rd,
Sithananda Nagar,
Puducherry, 605005
Call: +91 93618 95528
Website: https:www.jallikatturestaurant.com